• Beginner - Coding - C# - Containerization

    Containerizing a .NET Application with Docker – Step by Step Guide

    Docker is a powerful tool that allows developers to package applications into containers. These containers can run on any system that has Docker installed, making it easier to deploy and run applications consistently across different environments. Containers are like lightweight, portable packages for your application, including everything it needs to run: code, runtime, libraries, and settings. I assume that you have already know what Docker is and also you have .NET and Docker installed on your machine. Don’t worry, just download and then next + next. For more details and official documentation, you can visit Docker’s official website and for…

  • Beginner - Intermediate - Coding - Web Development

    PHP: The All Times Survivor

    Whenever a major improvement happens in web technology, whenever a new framework or a language is introduced in the web development market, PHP’s death is declared immediately. I have been witnessing a recent popular belief that PHP is nearing its end due to NodeJS becoming the new “darling” of the developer community. To me, this belief is a naive statement comes from lack of knowledge on the history of programming languages since the story of PHP is the greatest survival story of the entire computer science history. Over the years, many people have declared the death of PHP against a…

  • Beginner - Coding - C/C++ - Programming Languages

    Rust: A Modern Time Challenger to C++

    For developers of my generation, C++ was the go-to language. It was everywhere, especially when you needed to write code that is fast, efficient and object oriented. C++ gave us the control we need to use every bit of performance and also extendable language to adapt modern programming techniques. We didn’t really think that one day there would be another language that could ever challenge C++ in what it did best. To me, C++ is still the king of all programming languages. However, Rust is not a rival to undermine. In this blog post we will see some details about…

  • Cloud Computing - Azure - Beginner - C#

    On Azure Functions and Serverless

    There’s no shortage of tools and technologies to make developers’ lives easier In the world of cloud computing, and one such offering comes from Microsoft which is Azure Functions. Here, we’ll unravel the magic behind Azure Functions and explore why it’s becoming a favourite for certain architectures. At its core, Azure Functions is a serverless compute service. “Serverless” might sound misleading, as there definitely are servers involved; however, the idea is that the responsibility of server management, scaling, and infrastructure concerns are taken away from the developer. This allows us to focus on writing and deploying our code. Azure Functions…