AWS Secrets Manager is a fully managed service that helps you easily store and retrieve credentials, API keys, and other sensitive data in a secure way. It integrates seamlessly with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to ensure that only authorized users and applications can access your secrets. Beyond simple storage, it also offers basic security practices like automatic rotation of secrets. The main idea of using AWS Secrets Manager is that you no longer need to hardcode sensitive information in your applications or configuration files. Instead, you can reference them securely and fetch them when needed. This practice, sharply…
Welcome to the third part of our blog series, “C, Bedrock of Software.” In the first part, we explored the origins of C. In the first part, we discussed its creation at Bell Labs and its role in the development of Unix. In the second part, we examined the symbiotic relationship between C and Unix. We saw how they evolved together, shaping the future of computing. In this part, we will focus on how C has influenced modern programming languages. We will see its impact on popular languages like Java, C#, C++, Objective-C, and others. This will show how C’s…
Keeping things secure is the important part of any application. As entire internet going to cloud, Azure Active Directory (AD) is one of the best possible among one of two popular options. It helps manage who can use your app and what they can do. Let’s see how to set up Azure AD for a C# and Java Spring Boot backend, and a React frontend to make sure only the right people get in. First, go to the Azure portal and make a new Azure AD tenant if you don’t have one yet. Then, register your app in Azure AD.…
Whenever a major improvement happens in web technology, whenever a new framework or a language is introduced in the web development market, PHP’s death is declared immediately. I have been witnessing a recent popular belief that PHP is nearing its end due to NodeJS becoming the new “darling” of the developer community. To me, this belief is a naive statement comes from lack of knowledge on the history of programming languages since the story of PHP is the greatest survival story of the entire computer science history. Over the years, many people have declared the death of PHP against a…