• Coding - C# - Advanced - Web Development - Software Engineering

    Unlock Faster Performance: Advanced Caching Tactics for .NET Core

    In software development, performance optimization is a crucial topic and one of the most effective ways to improve the performance is caching. However, caching is a double edged sword we need to very careful about when and how to use caching. So, we need to use right strategy in right place. Caching can be implemented at different levels, including memory, network, and CDN (Content Delivery Network) levels. Each level has a unique purpose and is suitable for different use cases. In this post, we will focus on memory-level caching which is simply storing the data in the memory of the…

  • Coding - Beginner - Testing - Programming Languages

    D Programming Language: A Hidden Gem

    D is an interesting language. For some reason, I have an emotional connection with this language and I believe that it is the subject of the biggest unfairness story in the history of software development. To me, it is the best programming language in the market for the reasons I am going to state below. However, this language is underestimated, underrated, and despised in the programming circles because it doesn’t have a strong backer. In this article I want to talk about, and give some credit to D, an underrated sibling of C++, Java and C#. The D programming language…